Access to Work dyslexia support – AI meeting assistant

hand reaches out to laptop placed on table with note laid out beside it

If you’re seeking dyslexia support in the workplace, the Access to Work scheme might be able to help. As an employee with dyslexia, the workplace can pose a number of challenges, including social and emotional barriers to work. However, the right support can highlight the positives of dyslexia, such as creative reasoning abilities, and valuable […]

The Best ADHD Productivity Tools

Felt cut out image of a person's head with thought bubbles and the word "ADHD"

For adults with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), tackling everyday tasks in an organised and productive way can feel like a challenge. ADHD is a complex, lifelong neurodevelopmental condition that often leaves individuals feeling overwhelmed and burnt out. However, those with ADHD are also creative multi-taskers and intelligent problem solvers who can get things done […]

Access to Work Support

two employees shaking hands

Access to Work (AtW) support aims to help those with disabilities, including mental health conditions, and learning difficulties, to overcome work-related barriers. This government grant scheme seeks to create equality in the workplace and enable individuals with a disability to have choices, control, and independence at work. AtW offers a wide range of support, such […]

Access to Work grant – get the latest AI tools in the workplace

The Access to Work scheme is a non-repayable grant issued by the UK government to support people with disabilities and difficulties in the workplace. The purpose of the Access to Work grant is to improve the employee’s ability to perform at the same level as non-disabled and neurotypical employees in the workplace. Disabled and neurodivergent […]

Access to Work ADHD support – AI meeting note taker & summariser

employee using laptop to take notes in workplace

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition which affects the behaviour of over 1.5 million people in the UK. ADHD is classed as a disability in the UK – which means that if you have ADHD and are currently employed (or about to start employment) you are eligible  to apply for the Access to […]

Access to Work Support – what can you get through the grant scheme?

Two people shaking hands at a desk in an office environment.

Access to Work (AtW) support aims to help those with disabilities, including mental health conditions and specific  learning difficulties, to overcome work-related barriers. This government grant scheme seeks to create equality in the workplace and enable individuals with a disability to have choices, control, and independence at work. AtW offers a wide range of support, […]