Simplify remote onboarding for graduates

Help remote recruits and graduates feel at home by giving them the tools they need to thrive in the world of work. Jamworks simplifies remote onboarding by enabling new team members to quickly recap meetings, to clarify gaps in their understanding and identify areas they need to work on.

Make it easy to onboard Gen Z

Recent graduates may not feel confident raising issues or asking questions in meetings with managers, leadership and customers. They may feel embarrassed about a gap in their knowledge, nervous about making a bad impression or unsure of the specific circumstances mentioned by a client. Don’t let these totally natural feelings affect performance and confidence moving forward – give Gen Z a tool to rewatch meetings and mark sections that they need help with. It’s far easier to share a meeting snippet afterwards and ask for guidance than it is for a new recruit to put themself out there by raising a hand in the middle of a conversation.

  • Record & review meetings to clear up misunderstandings
  • Highlight & timestamp moments that need clarification
  • Save time by sharing the specific snippets that need addressing

Boost confidence and productivity by making it easy to overcome obstacles.

Record & share company videos to simplify remote onboarding

Simplify graduate onboarding by sharing videos that get to the heart of your company culture. It could be greetings from every team member, explanations from each department head or a brilliant discussion that helps new team members understand what makes your organisation tick. Jamworks automatically records every meeting, so you’ll have a library of lively conversations, customer testimonials and training videos to choose from.

  • Record every meeting, discussion & customer call
  • Share onboarding videos to showcase company culture
  • Help grads get up to speed in their own time
Provide a rich and accessible onboarding experience with subtitled training videos.

Create memorable remote onboarding experiences

Immerse new recruits in your company culture from day one. No, that doesn’t mean a stale word document or a forced intro. Instead, showcase the diverse personalities of your team in a curated playlist of videos that convey their real emotions and get to the heart of what your organisation is really about. Younger graduates will appreciate the chance to acclimatise in their own time and will love building remote working relationships via multimedia messages.

  • Show don’t tell, but for company culture
  • Collaborate via multimedia messages
  • Realise the value of new recruits faster
Liven up your remote onboarding to make new recruits feel at home faster, with a better understanding of what your company is about.

Useful for all, essential for some

Celia Owens

“Being dyslexic makes it difficult to write notes during meetings. Jamworks alleviates my stress around this on a daily basis. Thank you Jamworks!”

Neil Batchelor, Guardian Labs

“It allows me to fully focus in my meetings, and free’s up time that I’d usually spend writing my follow-up notes”

Etta Castillo

“Jamworks works miracles for me and my ADHD brain. After every call I check the action items tab to double check I didn’t zone out and miss anything.”

Our Access to Work partners

Start improving your remote onboarding today.