Host inclusive events and wow guests with AI

Inclusive events ensure everybody who attends is able to engage and participate. Give your guests access to live captions, AI summaries of every speech and the ability to recap key moments in a variety of accessible formats.

Run inclusive events with live captions

A Jamworks event license is an ultra affordable way to make your event more accessible. Each attendee gets access to accurate, real time text subtitles on their phone, for every speech that takes place. Empower Deaf and hard of hearing people to follow along, support people who speak English as a second language and provide the option for people who prefer to take in information through reading. Personalised captioning devices are great, but partnering with Jamworks ensures the highest fidelity audio is captured to produce the most accurate captions.


  • Save money with a Jamworks event license
  • Give all attendees access to live captions
  • Make your event more inclusive
Host more diverse and inclusive events.
Surprise & delight your guests

Harness the power of the latest trained AI models to automatically summarise every keynote speech, generate highlights from every panel discussion and create multimedia notes from every presentation. Jamworks records every session, identifies the most important moments and shares these key highlights in a variety of accessible formats with each of your attendees. That means subtitled video clips, audio snippets and summarised text notes sent directly to their devices following each session.



  • Automatically record, transcribe & summarise each session
  • Turn speeches into multimedia highlights
  • Wow your guests with super smart AI
Use AI as a force for good that helps attendees get more from your event.
Create a deeper connection with your audience

We often meet so many people, listen to so many speeches and learn so many new things at events, that we struggle to take it all in. Amid the excitement of a busy schedule, important learnings can be lost and insights can just slip away. Jamworks’ automated and self-curated multimedia highlights provide a proven way for guests to recap content and cement knowledge they encounter at your event. The simplest way to amplify your message and leave a lasting impression.


  • Ensure guests absorb your key event messages
  • Give attendees automated & self-curated event highlights
  • Create a lasting bond with your guests
Jamworks makes events more accessible and improves the experience for everyone in attendance.

Useful for all, essential for some

Celia Owens

“Being dyslexic makes it difficult to write notes during meetings. Jamworks alleviates my stress around this on a daily basis. Thank you Jamworks!”

Neil Batchelor, Guardian Labs

“It allows me to fully focus in my meetings, and free’s up time that I’d usually spend writing my follow-up notes”

Etta Castillo

“Jamworks works miracles for me and my ADHD brain. After every call I check the action items tab to double check I didn’t zone out and miss anything.”

Our Access to Work partners

Start hosting more inclusive events today.